Owner Financing in Albuquerque

If you are considering buying a home in Albuquerque but don't have the credit or qualifications needed to obtain funding through a conventional mortgage lender, owner financing is an option you may wish to consider.

What is Owner Financing?

Owner financing is when the prospective home buyer finances the purchase of the property directly through the home seller, instead of getting approval for funding via a mortgage lender. This allows much more freedom with terms and conditions as the clients would be working directly with each other to reach an agreement, instead of through a third party institutional lender. In today's economic conditions, the terms for getting approval on a loan are much stricter than before, so it can be nearly impossible for buyers to obtain a mortgage even if they have good credit or with some credit issues. Some Sellers are willing to finance the sell of their home themselves, Regardless of your credit with a cash down payment. Owner financing is a way to ensure all parties receive the deal that they want in a real estate transaction.

Get Financed for Your Albuquerque Home

At Primetime Realty, we specialize in facilitating and guiding our clients through the process of getting owner financing. Many of our successful transactions started with a simple Albuquerque home search where our client contacted us to get more information on how to obtain funding. Please keep in mind that in order to protect their own interests, home sellers who choose to finance may require a higher initial down payment than a mortgage lender would. However, these terms are of course negotiable, typically starting with 10% or more of the property value depending on the other terms of agreement.

Find Out More

We will help you find the home and funding you need for your Albuquerque dream home. Please use the form below to let us know more about the kind of property you are looking for so we can better assist you by coming up with a free list of no qualifying, owner financing homes. If you have any questions you would like to ask one of our brokers, please contact us anytime you'd like.




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Phone  505-332-8454
10950 Central Ave. S.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87123
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